Over the years, video games have been a scapegoat for violent acts that troubled individuals have committed. In this article (http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/25/health/video-games-and-violence/index.html) the publisher argues that:
More important, 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence. The titles seem to say it all: Manhunt. However, even the seemingly benign "Pokemon Go" requires players to go to battle."
The game 'Manhunt' was banned in a number of countries for being the most violent video game related to a murder. When you start to draw similarities between this notoriously violent game to Pokemon Go, which was based off the famous TV show 'Pokemon' you have to ask the question does the TV show provoke violence as well?
Below is a video discussing whether or not violence is linked to video games, the argument is strongly based on receiving malicious thoughts, however these ideas only become dangerous when we act upon them.
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