Miss Palmers response and script - Jordan

What's your perception of video games and their relation to violence?
  • 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence. The titles seem to say it all: Manhunt. However, even the seemingly benign "Pokemon Go" requires players to go to battle." 

    The game 'Manhunt' was banned in a number of countries for being the most violent video game related to a murder. When you start to draw similarities between this notoriously violent game to Pokemon Go, which was based off the famous TV show 'Pokemon' you have to ask the question does the TV show provoke violence as well?
    Federal crime statistics suggest that serious violent crimes among youths have decreased since 1996, even as video game sales have soared
  • Parents can protect children from potential harm by limiting use of video games and taking other common-sense precautions.
  • Most of the young perpetrators had personality traits, such as anger, psychosis, and aggression, that were apparent before the shootings and predisposed them to violence.
  • Do you think the Media has scapegoated video games for their supposed relation to violence?
Over the years, video games have been a scapegoat for violent acts that troubled individuals have committed. 

Do you think it its the parents responsibility to control what their your children play?

What Parents can do to prevent acts of violence.
  • Check the ESRB rating to better understand what type of content a video game has.
  • Play video games with children to better understand the content, and how children react.
  • Place video consoles and computers in common areas of the home, rather than in children's bedrooms.
  • Set limits on the amount of time youths can play these games. The AAP recommends two hours or less of total screen time per day, including television, computers, and video games.
